2025: A Year of Growth, Gratitude, and Healthier Habits

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. Changing ingrained behaviors is challenging enough without the added pressure of labeling them as resolutions. 2024 was a year of immense stress for me—both personally & professionally— which led me to rethink my coping mechanisms, especially my eating habits. My overeating, emotional eating, and binge eating were directly tied to my high stress levels, resulting in weight gain, severe insulin fluctuations, and disrupted sleep. I know that changing my eating habits is crucial for my well-being; in fact, it will save my life. But that doesn't make it easy.

I want 2025 to be different. I need 2025 to be different.

In the past several months, I've discovered a truly life-changing practice in my journey toward a healthier relationship with food: keeping a food journal. Diligently tracking what I eat, when I eat, and how I feel as I eat has allowed me to see my behavior in a whole new light and reshape my beliefs around eating my emotions. Journaling is incredibly beneficial. Writing down your intentions, dreams, and disappointments allows you to see the world differently and is foundational to changing behaviors that no longer serve you. With that said, I'm really trying to get back into the habit of journaling every day.

I used to love journaling. It was something I looked forward to and found joy in. I had multiple journals—places where I could write, be grateful, and create art. The option of choosing which journal to work in was freeing and made the practice comfortable and sustainable. I stopped journaling regularly years ago when my mom was diagnosed with ALS. Everything I wrote felt rooted in sorrow. Every page documented her decline, my heartbreak, and the stress of grieving someone still alive but not for long. It became daunting in ways I couldn't shift. I began to question the value of getting out of bed. It took me a while to realize that my morning journaling practice had become another bad coping mechanism—at least the way I was doing it.

I'm going back to the beginning—the foundational elements of a strong journal practice: building self-awareness. Self-awareness is the learned ability to recognize, understand, and leverage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It involves maintaining an intentional awareness of your internal and external identities and how they influence your actions and interactions with others. Self-awareness also encompasses a deep understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs, which aids in making informed decisions and effectively managing personal and professional relationships. This month I will focus on the traditional tenets of building self-awareness, and all of the journal prompts will focus on these elements:

  1. Self-Reflection: Embrace the journey of self-discovery by regularly reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Journaling can be a wonderful companion on this path!

  2. Mindfulness: Immerse yourself in the present moment. Mindfulness meditation can illuminate your inner world, helping you become more attuned to your thoughts and reactions.

  3. Feedback: Welcome feedback from others as a gift of new perspectives. It’s a fantastic way to see yourself through different lenses and grow.

  4. Strengths and Weaknesses: Celebrate your strengths and acknowledge areas for improvement. This awareness empowers you to harness your strengths and transform your weaknesses.

  5. Emotional Regulation: Master the art of managing your emotions. Recognize your triggers and develop strategies to navigate them with grace and resilience.

  6. Values and Beliefs: Define your core values and beliefs. Knowing what truly matters to you will guide your decisions and actions with clarity and purpose.

  7. Goal Setting: Set inspiring personal and professional goals that resonate with your values and strengths. This keeps you motivated and on track to achieve your dreams.

  8. Continuous Learning: Stay curious and open to growth. Self-awareness is a lifelong adventure that evolves and enriches you over time.

Embarking on the journey of discovering who I am after experiencing loss is a path worth taking. While I don't relish the idea of going it alone, I hope someone stumbles upon this post and decides to join me. I'll be sharing journal prompts every Monday and Friday, along with notes on how I'm navigating this practice. I invite you to share your journey too—your thoughts, challenges, and victories. Let me know what you think of the prompts and share any you find elsewhere. Let's support each other on this journey of self-discovery!

Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection

  1. What are three things I am grateful for today, and why?

  2. When do I feel most at peace, and what activities contribute to that feeling? When was the last time I felt truly at peace, and what contributed to that feeling

  3. How do I typically react to stress, and what healthier coping mechanisms can I adopt?


January Journal Prompt:  Self Awareness Week 1 — Friday


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